Markus Butkereit
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5 yakuzi on the top
5 yakuzi on the top
Material/ 5 swimming pools, 900 L water, container
Measures/ 600 x 250 cm
2014/ Marseille/ France
Video/ HD/ 0:51 min/ loop
Camera/ Markus Butkereit
Editing/ Markus Butkereit
This work was created in Marseille for a festival. The participating artists arrived continuously. Cecilia Brown installed a semi-circle of wood underneath the overseas container. So, by stepping inside the container, it behaved like a seesaw. I bought five children's pools, put them on the roof of the container and filled them with about 900 litres of water. If you then entered the container and ran around, it moved back and forth, and the water from the kiddie pools spilled out. One had the feeling as if you are travelling with a shipping container on the ocean.